Sujet n°1787
Posté par Solfay1 le 17 Sep - 11:38 (2008)
Titre : [Script] Amelioration météo
Créez un nouveau script au dessus de "Game_Temp", appelez-le "Weather", puis coller le script suivant dedans:


 # ccoa's weather script
 # with ideas by ScriptKitty and Mr.DJ
 # Weather Types:
 # 1 - rain
 # 2 - storm
 # 3 - snow
 # 4 - hail
 # 5 - rain with thunder and lightning
 # 6 - falling leaves (autumn)
 # 7 - blowing leaves (autumn)
 # 8 - swirling leaves (autumn)
 # 9 - falling leaves (green)
 # 10 - cherry blossom (sakura) petals
 # 11 - rose petals
 # 12 - feathers
 # 13 - blood rain
 # 14 - sparkles
 # 15 - user defined
 # Weather Power:
 # An integer from 0-40. 0 = no weather, 40 = 400 sprites
 # Usage:
 # Create a call script with the following:
 # $, power, hue)
 # Usage of user-defined weather:
 # Look at the following globals:
 $WEATHER_UPDATE = false # the $WEATHER_IMAGES array has changed, please update
 $WEATHER_IMAGES = [] # the array of picture names to use
 $WEATHER_X = 0 # the number of pixels the image should move horizontally (positive = right, negative = left)
 $WEATHER_Y = 0 # the number of pizels the image should move vertically (positive = down, negative = up)
 $WEATHER_FADE = 0 # how much the image should fade each update (0 = no fade, 255 = fade instantly)
 $WEATHER_ANIMATED = false # whether or not the image should cycle through all the images
 module RPG
 class Weather
 def initialize(viewport = nil)
 @type = 0
 @max = 0
 @ox = 0
 @oy = 0
 @count = 0
 @current_pose = []
 @info = []
 @countarray = []
 # **** ccoa ****
 for i in 1..500
 sprite =
 sprite.z = 1000
 sprite.visible = false
 sprite.opacity = 0
 def dispose
 for sprite in @sprites
 for image in @autumn_leaf_bitmaps
 for image in @green_leaf_bitmaps
 for image in @rose_bitmaps
 for image in @feather_bitmaps
 for image in @sparkle_bitmaps
 for image in @user_bitmaps
 def type=(type)
 return if @type == type
 @type = type
 case @type
 when 1 # rain
 bitmap = @rain_bitmap
 when 2 # storm
 bitmap = @storm_bitmap
 when 3 # snow
 bitmap = @snow_bitmap
 when 4 # hail
 bitmap = @hail_bitmap
 when 5 # rain w/ thunder and lightning
 bitmap = @rain_bitmap
 @thunder = true
 when 6 # falling autumn leaves
 bitmap = @autumn_leaf_bitmaps[0]
 when 7 # blowing autumn leaves
 bitmap = @autumn_leaf_bitmaps[0]
 when 8 # swirling autumn leaves
 bitmap = @autumn_leaf_bitmaps[0]
 when 9 # falling green leaves
 bitmap = @green_leaf_bitmaps[0]
 when 10 # sakura petals
 bitmap = @petal_bitmap
 when 11 # rose petals
 bitmap = @rose_bitmaps[0]
 when 12 # feathers
 bitmap = @feather_bitmaps[0]
 when 13 # blood rain
 bitmap = @blood_rain_bitmap
 when 14 # sparkles
 bitmap = @sparkle_bitmaps[0]
 when 15 # user-defined
 bitmap = @user_bitmaps[rand(@user_bitmaps.size)]
 bitmap = nil
 if @type != 5
 @thunder = false
 # **** ccoa ****
 for i in 1..500
 sprite = @sprites[i]
 if sprite != nil
 sprite.visible = (i <= @max)
 sprite.bitmap = bitmap
 def ox=(ox)
 return if @ox == ox;
 @ox = ox
 for sprite in @sprites
 sprite.ox = @ox
 def oy=(oy)
 return if @oy == oy;
 @oy = oy
 for sprite in @sprites
 sprite.oy = @oy
 def max=(max)
 return if @max == max;
 # **** ccoa ****
 @max = [[max, 0].max, 500].min
 for i in 1..500
 sprite = @sprites[i]
 if sprite != nil
 sprite.visible = (i <= @max)
 def update
 return if @type == 0
 for i in 1.. @max
 sprite = @sprites[i]
 if sprite == nil
 if @type == 1 or @type == 5 or @type == 13 # rain
 sprite.x -= 2
 sprite.y += 16
 sprite.opacity -= 8
 if @thunder and (rand(8000 - @max) == 0)
 $game_screen.start_flash(, 255, 255, 255), 5)
 if @type == 2 # storm
 sprite.x -= 8
 sprite.y += 16
 sprite.opacity -= 12
 if @type == 3 # snow
 sprite.x -= 2
 sprite.y += 8
 sprite.opacity -= 8
 if @type == 4 # hail
 sprite.x -= 1
 sprite.y += 18
 sprite.opacity -= 15
 if @type == 6 # falling autumn leaves
 @count = rand(20)
 if @count == 0
 sprite.bitmap = @autumn_leaf_bitmaps[@current_pose[i]]
 @current_pose[i] = (@current_pose[i] + 1) % @autumn_leaf_bitmaps.size
 sprite.x -= 1
 sprite.y += 1
 if @type == 7 # blowing autumn leaves
 @count = rand(20)
 if @count == 0
 sprite.bitmap = @autumn_leaf_bitmaps[@current_pose[i]]
 @current_pose[i] = (@current_pose[i] + 1) % @autumn_leaf_bitmaps.size
 sprite.x -= 10
 sprite.y += (rand(4) - 2)
 if @type == 8 # swirling autumn leaves
 @count = rand(20)
 if @count == 0
 sprite.bitmap = @autumn_leaf_bitmaps[@current_pose[i]]
 @current_pose[i] = (@current_pose[i] + 1) % @autumn_leaf_bitmaps.size
 if @info[i] != 0
 if @info[i] >= 1 and @info[i] <= 10
 sprite.x -= 3
 sprite.y -= 1
 elsif @info[i] >= 11 and @info[i] <= 16
 sprite.x -= 1
 sprite.y -= 2
 elsif @info[i] >= 17 and @info[i] <= 20
 sprite.y -= 3
 elsif @info[i] >= 21 and @info[i] <= 30
 sprite.y -= 2
 sprite.x += 1
 elsif @info[i] >= 31 and @info[i] <= 36
 sprite.y -= 1
 sprite.x += 3
 elsif @info[i] >= 37 and @info[i] <= 40
 sprite.x += 5
 elsif @info[i] >= 41 and @info[i] <= 46
 sprite.y += 1
 sprite.x += 3
 elsif @info[i] >= 47 and @info[i] <= 58
 sprite.y += 2
 sprite.x += 1
 elsif @info[i] >= 59 and @info[i] <= 64
 sprite.y += 3
 elsif @info[i] >= 65 and @info[i] <= 70
 sprite.x -= 1
 sprite.y += 2
 elsif @info[i] >= 71 and @info[i] <= 81
 sprite.x -= 3
 sprite.y += 1
 elsif @info[i] >= 82 and @info[i] <= 87
 sprite.x -= 5
 @info[i] = (@info[i] + 1) % 88
 if rand(200) == 0
 @info[i] = 1
 sprite.x -= 5
 sprite.y += 1
 if @type == 9 # falling green leaves
 if @countarray[i] == 0
 @current_pose[i] = (@current_pose[i] + 1) % @green_leaf_bitmaps.size
 sprite.bitmap = @green_leaf_bitmaps[@current_pose[i]]
 @countarray[i] = rand(15)
 @countarray[i] = (@countarray[i] + 1) % 15
 sprite.y += 1
 if @type == 10 # sakura petals
 if @info[i] < 25
 sprite.x -= 1
 sprite.x += 1
 @info[i] = (@info[i] + 1) % 50
 sprite.y += 1
 if @type == 11 # rose petals
 @count = rand(20)
 if @count == 0
 sprite.bitmap = @rose_bitmaps[@current_pose[i]]
 @current_pose[i] = (@current_pose[i] + 1) % @rose_bitmaps.size
 if @info[i] % 2 == 0
 if @info[i] < 10
 sprite.x -= 1
 sprite.x += 1
 sprite.y += 1
 if @type == 12 # feathers
 if @countarray[i] == 0
 @current_pose[i] = (@current_pose[i] + 1) % @feather_bitmaps.size
 sprite.bitmap = @feather_bitmaps[@current_pose[i]]
 @countarray[i] = (@countarray[i] + 1) % 15
 if rand(100) == 0
 sprite.x -= 1
 if rand(100) == 0
 sprite.y -= 1
 if @info[i] < 50
 if rand(2) == 0
 sprite.x -= 1
 sprite.y -= 1
 if rand(2) == 0
 sprite.x += 1
 sprite.y += 1
 @info[i] = (@info[i] + 1) % 100
 if @type == 14 # sparkles
 if @countarray[i] == 0
 @current_pose[i] = (@current_pose[i] + 1) % @sparkle_bitmaps.size
 sprite.bitmap = @sparkle_bitmaps[@current_pose[i]]
 @countarray[i] = (@countarray[i] + 1) % 15
 sprite.y += 1
 sprite.opacity -= 1
 if @type == 15 # user-defined
 if $WEATHER_ANIMATED and @countarray[i] == 0
 @current_pose[i] = (@current_pose[i] + 1) % @user_bitmaps.size
 sprite.bitmap = @user_bitmaps[@current_pose[i]]
 @countarray[i] = (@countarray[i] + 1) % 15
 sprite.x += $WEATHER_X
 sprite.y += $WEATHER_Y
 sprite.opacity -= $WEATHER_FADE
 x = sprite.x - @ox
 y = sprite.y - @oy
 if sprite.opacity < 64 or x < -50 or x > 750 or y < -300 or y > 500
 sprite.x = rand(800) - 50 + @ox
 sprite.y = rand(800) - 200 + @oy
 sprite.opacity = 255
 def make_bitmaps
 color1 =, 255, 255, 255)
 color2 =, 255, 255, 128)
 @rain_bitmap =, 56)
 for i in 0..6
 @rain_bitmap.fill_rect(6-i, i*8, 1, 8, color1)
 @storm_bitmap =, 64)
 for i in 0..31
 @storm_bitmap.fill_rect(33-i, i*2, 1, 2, color2)
 @storm_bitmap.fill_rect(32-i, i*2, 1, 2, color1)
 @storm_bitmap.fill_rect(31-i, i*2, 1, 2, color2)
 @snow_bitmap =, 6)
 @snow_bitmap.fill_rect(0, 1, 6, 4, color2)
 @snow_bitmap.fill_rect(1, 0, 4, 6, color2)
 @snow_bitmap.fill_rect(1, 2, 4, 2, color1)
 @snow_bitmap.fill_rect(2, 1, 2, 4, color1)
 @sprites = []
 blueGrey =, 227, 227, 150)
 grey =, 217, 217, 150)
 lightGrey =, 233, 233, 250)
 lightBlue =, 239, 243, 250)
 @hail_bitmap =, 4)
 @hail_bitmap.fill_rect(1, 0, 2, 1, blueGrey)
 @hail_bitmap.fill_rect(0, 1, 1, 2, blueGrey)
 @hail_bitmap.fill_rect(3, 1, 1, 2, grey)
 @hail_bitmap.fill_rect(1, 3, 2, 1, grey)
 @hail_bitmap.fill_rect(1, 1, 2, 2, lightGrey)
 @hail_bitmap.set_pixel(1, 1, lightBlue)
 color3 =, 167, 192, 255) # light pink
 color4 =, 106, 136, 255) # dark pink
 @petal_bitmap =, 4) #This creates a new bitmap that is 4 x 4 pixels
 @petal_bitmap.fill_rect(0, 3, 1, 1, color3) # this makes a 1x1 pixel "rectangle" at the 0, 3 pixel of the image (upper left corner is 0, 0)
 @petal_bitmap.fill_rect(1, 2, 1, 1, color3)
 @petal_bitmap.fill_rect(2, 1, 1, 1, color3)
 @petal_bitmap.fill_rect(3, 0, 1, 1, color3)
 @petal_bitmap.fill_rect(1, 3, 1, 1, color4)
 @petal_bitmap.fill_rect(2, 2, 1, 1, color4)
 @petal_bitmap.fill_rect(3, 1, 1, 1, color4)
 brightOrange =, 88, 0, 255)
 orangeBrown =, 80, 56, 255)
 burntRed =, 0, 0, 255)
 paleOrange =, 160, 128, 255)
 darkBrown =, 40, 0, 255)
 @autumn_leaf_bitmaps = []
 @autumn_leaf_bitmaps.push(,    8)   )
 # draw the first of the leaf1 bitmaps
 @autumn_leaf_bitmaps[0].set_pixel(5, 1, orangeBrown)
 @autumn_leaf_bitmaps[0].set_pixel(6, 1, brightOrange)
 @autumn_leaf_bitmaps[0].set_pixel(7, 1, paleOrange)
 @autumn_leaf_bitmaps[0].set_pixel(3, 2, orangeBrown)
 @autumn_leaf_bitmaps[0].fill_rect(4, 2, 2, 1, brightOrange)
 @autumn_leaf_bitmaps[0].set_pixel(6, 2, paleOrange)
 @autumn_leaf_bitmaps[0].set_pixel(2, 3, orangeBrown)
 @autumn_leaf_bitmaps[0].set_pixel(3, 3, brightOrange)
 @autumn_leaf_bitmaps[0].fill_rect(4, 3, 2, 1, paleOrange)
 @autumn_leaf_bitmaps[0].set_pixel(1, 4, orangeBrown)
 @autumn_leaf_bitmaps[0].set_pixel(2, 4, brightOrange)
 @autumn_leaf_bitmaps[0].set_pixel(3, 4, paleOrange)
 @autumn_leaf_bitmaps[0].set_pixel(1, 5, brightOrange)
 @autumn_leaf_bitmaps[0].set_pixel(2, 5, paleOrange)
 @autumn_leaf_bitmaps[0].set_pixel(0, 6, orangeBrown)
 @autumn_leaf_bitmaps[0].set_pixel(1, 6, paleOrange)
 @autumn_leaf_bitmaps[0].set_pixel(0, 7, paleOrange)
 # draw the 2nd of the leaf1 bitmaps
 @autumn_leaf_bitmaps.push(,    8)   )
 @autumn_leaf_bitmaps[1].set_pixel(3, 0, brightOrange)
 @autumn_leaf_bitmaps[1].set_pixel(7, 0, brightOrange)
 @autumn_leaf_bitmaps[1].set_pixel(3, 1, orangeBrown)
 @autumn_leaf_bitmaps[1].set_pixel(4, 1, burntRed)
 @autumn_leaf_bitmaps[1].set_pixel(6, 1, brightOrange)
 @autumn_leaf_bitmaps[1].set_pixel(0, 2, paleOrange)
 @autumn_leaf_bitmaps[1].set_pixel(1, 2, brightOrange)
 @autumn_leaf_bitmaps[1].set_pixel(2, 2, orangeBrown)
 @autumn_leaf_bitmaps[1].set_pixel(3, 2, burntRed)
 @autumn_leaf_bitmaps[1].set_pixel(4, 2, orangeBrown)
 @autumn_leaf_bitmaps[1].set_pixel(5, 2, brightOrange)
 @autumn_leaf_bitmaps[1].fill_rect(1, 3, 3, 1, orangeBrown)
 @autumn_leaf_bitmaps[1].fill_rect(4, 3, 2, 1, brightOrange)
 @autumn_leaf_bitmaps[1].set_pixel(6, 3, orangeBrown)
 @autumn_leaf_bitmaps[1].set_pixel(2, 4, burntRed)
 @autumn_leaf_bitmaps[1].fill_rect(3, 4, 3, 1, brightOrange)
 @autumn_leaf_bitmaps[1].set_pixel(6, 4, burntRed)
 @autumn_leaf_bitmaps[1].set_pixel(7, 4, darkBrown)
 @autumn_leaf_bitmaps[1].set_pixel(1, 5, orangeBrown)
 @autumn_leaf_bitmaps[1].fill_rect(2, 5, 2, 1, brightOrange)
 @autumn_leaf_bitmaps[1].set_pixel(4, 5, orangeBrown)
 @autumn_leaf_bitmaps[1].set_pixel(5, 5, burntRed)
 @autumn_leaf_bitmaps[1].fill_rect(1, 6, 2, 1, brightOrange)
 @autumn_leaf_bitmaps[1].fill_rect(4, 6, 2, 1, burntRed)
 @autumn_leaf_bitmaps[1].set_pixel(0, 7, brightOrange)
 @autumn_leaf_bitmaps[1].set_pixel(5, 7, darkBrown)
 # draw the 3rd of the leaf1 bitmaps
 @autumn_leaf_bitmaps.push(,    8)   )
 @autumn_leaf_bitmaps[2].set_pixel(7, 1, paleOrange)
 @autumn_leaf_bitmaps[2].set_pixel(6, 2, paleOrange)
 @autumn_leaf_bitmaps[2].set_pixel(7, 2, orangeBrown)
 @autumn_leaf_bitmaps[2].set_pixel(5, 3, paleOrange)
 @autumn_leaf_bitmaps[2].set_pixel(6, 3, brightOrange)
 @autumn_leaf_bitmaps[2].set_pixel(4, 4, paleOrange)
 @autumn_leaf_bitmaps[2].set_pixel(5, 4, brightOrange)
 @autumn_leaf_bitmaps[2].set_pixel(6, 4, orangeBrown)
 @autumn_leaf_bitmaps[2].fill_rect(2, 5, 2, 1, paleOrange)
 @autumn_leaf_bitmaps[2].set_pixel(4, 5, brightOrange)
 @autumn_leaf_bitmaps[2].set_pixel(5, 5, orangeBrown)
 @autumn_leaf_bitmaps[2].set_pixel(1, 6, paleOrange)
 @autumn_leaf_bitmaps[2].fill_rect(2, 6, 2, 1, brightOrange)
 @autumn_leaf_bitmaps[2].set_pixel(4, 6, orangeBrown)
 @autumn_leaf_bitmaps[2].set_pixel(0, 7, paleOrange)
 @autumn_leaf_bitmaps[2].set_pixel(1, 7, brightOrange)
 @autumn_leaf_bitmaps[2].set_pixel(2, 7, orangeBrown)
 # draw the 4th of the leaf1 bitmaps
 @autumn_leaf_bitmaps.push(,    8)   )
 @autumn_leaf_bitmaps[3].set_pixel(3, 0, brightOrange)
 @autumn_leaf_bitmaps[3].set_pixel(7, 0, brightOrange)
 @autumn_leaf_bitmaps[3].set_pixel(3, 1, orangeBrown)
 @autumn_leaf_bitmaps[3].set_pixel(4, 1, burntRed)
 @autumn_leaf_bitmaps[3].set_pixel(6, 1, brightOrange)
 @autumn_leaf_bitmaps[3].set_pixel(0, 2, paleOrange)
 @autumn_leaf_bitmaps[3].set_pixel(1, 2, brightOrange)
 @autumn_leaf_bitmaps[3].set_pixel(2, 2, orangeBrown)
 @autumn_leaf_bitmaps[3].set_pixel(3, 2, burntRed)
 @autumn_leaf_bitmaps[3].set_pixel(4, 2, orangeBrown)
 @autumn_leaf_bitmaps[3].set_pixel(5, 2, brightOrange)
 @autumn_leaf_bitmaps[3].fill_rect(1, 3, 3, 1, orangeBrown)
 @autumn_leaf_bitmaps[3].fill_rect(4, 3, 2, 1, brightOrange)
 @autumn_leaf_bitmaps[3].set_pixel(6, 3, orangeBrown)
 @autumn_leaf_bitmaps[3].set_pixel(2, 4, burntRed)
 @autumn_leaf_bitmaps[3].fill_rect(3, 4, 3, 1, brightOrange)
 @autumn_leaf_bitmaps[3].set_pixel(6, 4, burntRed)
 @autumn_leaf_bitmaps[3].set_pixel(7, 4, darkBrown)
 @autumn_leaf_bitmaps[3].set_pixel(1, 5, orangeBrown)
 @autumn_leaf_bitmaps[3].fill_rect(2, 5, 2, 1, brightOrange)
 @autumn_leaf_bitmaps[3].set_pixel(4, 5, orangeBrown)
 @autumn_leaf_bitmaps[3].set_pixel(5, 5, burntRed)
 @autumn_leaf_bitmaps[3].fill_rect(1, 6, 2, 1, brightOrange)
 @autumn_leaf_bitmaps[3].fill_rect(4, 6, 2, 1, burntRed)
 @autumn_leaf_bitmaps[3].set_pixel(0, 7, brightOrange)
 @autumn_leaf_bitmaps[3].set_pixel(5, 7, darkBrown)
 @green_leaf_bitmaps = []
 darkGreen =, 76, 31, 255)
 midGreen =, 91, 43, 255)
 khaki =, 114, 66, 255)
 lightGreen =, 136, 88, 255)
 mint =, 154, 106, 255)
 # 1st leaf bitmap
 @green_leaf_bitmaps[0] =,    8)   
 @green_leaf_bitmaps[0].set_pixel(1, 0, darkGreen)
 @green_leaf_bitmaps[0].set_pixel(1, 1, midGreen)
 @green_leaf_bitmaps[0].set_pixel(2, 1, darkGreen)
 @green_leaf_bitmaps[0].set_pixel(2, 2, khaki)
 @green_leaf_bitmaps[0].set_pixel(3, 2, darkGreen)
 @green_leaf_bitmaps[0].set_pixel(4, 2, khaki)
 @green_leaf_bitmaps[0].fill_rect(2, 3, 3, 1, midGreen)
 @green_leaf_bitmaps[0].set_pixel(5, 3, khaki)
 @green_leaf_bitmaps[0].fill_rect(2, 4, 2, 1, midGreen)
 @green_leaf_bitmaps[0].set_pixel(4, 4, darkGreen)
 @green_leaf_bitmaps[0].set_pixel(5, 4, lightGreen)
 @green_leaf_bitmaps[0].set_pixel(6, 4, khaki)
 @green_leaf_bitmaps[0].set_pixel(3, 5, midGreen)
 @green_leaf_bitmaps[0].set_pixel(4, 5, darkGreen)
 @green_leaf_bitmaps[0].set_pixel(5, 5, khaki)
 @green_leaf_bitmaps[0].set_pixel(6, 5, lightGreen)
 @green_leaf_bitmaps[0].set_pixel(4, 6, midGreen)
 @green_leaf_bitmaps[0].set_pixel(5, 6, darkGreen)
 @green_leaf_bitmaps[0].set_pixel(6, 6, lightGreen)
 @green_leaf_bitmaps[0].set_pixel(6, 7, khaki)
 # 2nd leaf bitmap
 @green_leaf_bitmaps[1] =,    8)   
 @green_leaf_bitmaps[1].fill_rect(1, 1, 1, 2, midGreen)
 @green_leaf_bitmaps[1].fill_rect(2, 2, 2, 1, khaki)
 @green_leaf_bitmaps[1].set_pixel(4, 2, lightGreen)
 @green_leaf_bitmaps[1].fill_rect(2, 3, 2, 1, darkGreen)
 @green_leaf_bitmaps[1].fill_rect(4, 3, 2, 1, lightGreen)
 @green_leaf_bitmaps[1].set_pixel(2, 4, midGreen)
 @green_leaf_bitmaps[1].set_pixel(3, 4, darkGreen)
 @green_leaf_bitmaps[1].set_pixel(4, 4, khaki)
 @green_leaf_bitmaps[1].fill_rect(5, 4, 2, 1, lightGreen)
 @green_leaf_bitmaps[1].set_pixel(3, 5, midGreen)
 @green_leaf_bitmaps[1].set_pixel(4, 5, darkGreen)
 @green_leaf_bitmaps[1].set_pixel(5, 5, khaki)
 @green_leaf_bitmaps[1].set_pixel(6, 5, lightGreen)
 @green_leaf_bitmaps[1].set_pixel(5, 6, darkGreen)
 @green_leaf_bitmaps[1].fill_rect(6, 6, 2, 1, khaki)
 # 3rd leaf bitmap
 @green_leaf_bitmaps[2] =,    8)   
 @green_leaf_bitmaps[2].set_pixel(1, 1, darkGreen)
 @green_leaf_bitmaps[2].fill_rect(1, 2, 2, 1, midGreen)
 @green_leaf_bitmaps[2].set_pixel(2, 3, midGreen)
 @green_leaf_bitmaps[2].set_pixel(3, 3, darkGreen)
 @green_leaf_bitmaps[2].set_pixel(4, 3, midGreen)
 @green_leaf_bitmaps[2].fill_rect(2, 4, 2, 1, midGreen)
 @green_leaf_bitmaps[2].set_pixel(4, 4, darkGreen)
 @green_leaf_bitmaps[2].set_pixel(5, 4, lightGreen)
 @green_leaf_bitmaps[2].set_pixel(3, 5, midGreen)
 @green_leaf_bitmaps[2].set_pixel(4, 5, darkGreen)
 @green_leaf_bitmaps[2].fill_rect(5, 5, 2, 1, khaki)
 @green_leaf_bitmaps[2].fill_rect(4, 6, 2, 1, midGreen)
 @green_leaf_bitmaps[2].set_pixel(6, 6, lightGreen)
 @green_leaf_bitmaps[2].set_pixel(6, 7, khaki)
 # 4th leaf bitmap
 @green_leaf_bitmaps[3] =,    8)   
 @green_leaf_bitmaps[3].fill_rect(0, 3, 1, 2, darkGreen)
 @green_leaf_bitmaps[3].set_pixel(1, 4, midGreen)
 @green_leaf_bitmaps[3].set_pixel(2, 4, khaki)
 @green_leaf_bitmaps[3].set_pixel(3, 4, lightGreen)
 @green_leaf_bitmaps[3].set_pixel(4, 4, darkGreen)
 @green_leaf_bitmaps[3].set_pixel(7, 4, midGreen)
 @green_leaf_bitmaps[3].set_pixel(1, 5, darkGreen)
 @green_leaf_bitmaps[3].set_pixel(2, 5, midGreen)
 @green_leaf_bitmaps[3].set_pixel(3, 5, lightGreen)
 @green_leaf_bitmaps[3].set_pixel(4, 5, mint)
 @green_leaf_bitmaps[3].set_pixel(5, 5, lightGreen)
 @green_leaf_bitmaps[3].set_pixel(6, 5, khaki)
 @green_leaf_bitmaps[3].set_pixel(7, 5, midGreen)
 @green_leaf_bitmaps[3].fill_rect(2, 6, 2, 1, midGreen)
 @green_leaf_bitmaps[3].set_pixel(4, 6, lightGreen)
 @green_leaf_bitmaps[3].set_pixel(5, 6, khaki)
 @green_leaf_bitmaps[3].set_pixel(6, 6, midGreen)
 # 5th leaf bitmap
 @green_leaf_bitmaps[4] =,    8)   
 @green_leaf_bitmaps[4].set_pixel(6, 2, midGreen)
 @green_leaf_bitmaps[4].set_pixel(7, 2, darkGreen)
 @green_leaf_bitmaps[4].fill_rect(4, 3, 2, 1, midGreen)
 @green_leaf_bitmaps[4].set_pixel(6, 3, khaki)
 @green_leaf_bitmaps[4].set_pixel(2, 4, darkGreen)
 @green_leaf_bitmaps[4].fill_rect(3, 4, 2, 1, khaki)
 @green_leaf_bitmaps[4].set_pixel(5, 4, lightGreen)
 @green_leaf_bitmaps[4].set_pixel(6, 4, khaki)
 @green_leaf_bitmaps[4].set_pixel(1, 5, midGreen)
 @green_leaf_bitmaps[4].set_pixel(2, 5, khaki)
 @green_leaf_bitmaps[4].set_pixel(3, 5, lightGreen)
 @green_leaf_bitmaps[4].set_pixel(4, 5, mint)
 @green_leaf_bitmaps[4].set_pixel(5, 5, midGreen)
 @green_leaf_bitmaps[4].set_pixel(2, 6, darkGreen)
 @green_leaf_bitmaps[4].fill_rect(3, 6, 2, 1, midGreen)
 # 6th leaf bitmap
 @green_leaf_bitmaps[5] =,    8)   
 @green_leaf_bitmaps[5].fill_rect(6, 2, 2, 1, midGreen)
 @green_leaf_bitmaps[5].fill_rect(4, 3, 2, 1, midGreen)
 @green_leaf_bitmaps[5].set_pixel(6, 3, khaki)
 @green_leaf_bitmaps[5].set_pixel(3, 4, midGreen)
 @green_leaf_bitmaps[5].set_pixel(4, 4, khaki)
 @green_leaf_bitmaps[5].set_pixel(5, 4, lightGreen)
 @green_leaf_bitmaps[5].set_pixel(6, 4, mint)
 @green_leaf_bitmaps[5].set_pixel(1, 5, midGreen)
 @green_leaf_bitmaps[5].set_pixel(2, 5, khaki)
 @green_leaf_bitmaps[5].fill_rect(3, 5, 2, 1, mint)
 @green_leaf_bitmaps[5].set_pixel(5, 5, lightGreen)
 @green_leaf_bitmaps[5].set_pixel(2, 6, midGreen)
 @green_leaf_bitmaps[5].set_pixel(3, 6, khaki)
 @green_leaf_bitmaps[5].set_pixel(4, 6, lightGreen)
 # 7th leaf bitmap
 @green_leaf_bitmaps[6] =,    8)   
 @green_leaf_bitmaps[6].fill_rect(6, 1, 1, 2, midGreen)
 @green_leaf_bitmaps[6].fill_rect(4, 2, 2, 1, midGreen)
 @green_leaf_bitmaps[6].fill_rect(6, 2, 1, 2, darkGreen)
 @green_leaf_bitmaps[6].fill_rect(3, 3, 2, 1, midGreen)
 @green_leaf_bitmaps[6].set_pixel(5, 3, khaki)
 @green_leaf_bitmaps[6].set_pixel(2, 4, midGreen)
 @green_leaf_bitmaps[6].set_pixel(3, 4, khaki)
 @green_leaf_bitmaps[6].set_pixel(4, 4, lightGreen)
 @green_leaf_bitmaps[6].set_pixel(5, 4, midGreen)
 @green_leaf_bitmaps[6].set_pixel(1, 5, midGreen)
 @green_leaf_bitmaps[6].set_pixel(2, 5, khaki)
 @green_leaf_bitmaps[6].fill_rect(3, 5, 2, 1, midGreen)
 @green_leaf_bitmaps[6].set_pixel(1, 6, darkGreen)
 @green_leaf_bitmaps[6].set_pixel(2, 6, midGreen)
 # 8th leaf bitmap
 @green_leaf_bitmaps[7] =,    8)   
 @green_leaf_bitmaps[7].set_pixel(6, 1, midGreen)
 @green_leaf_bitmaps[7].fill_rect(4, 2, 3, 2, midGreen)
 @green_leaf_bitmaps[7].set_pixel(3, 3, darkGreen)
 @green_leaf_bitmaps[7].set_pixel(2, 4, darkGreen)
 @green_leaf_bitmaps[7].set_pixel(3, 4, midGreen)
 @green_leaf_bitmaps[7].fill_rect(4, 4, 2, 1, khaki)
 @green_leaf_bitmaps[7].set_pixel(1, 5, darkGreen)
 @green_leaf_bitmaps[7].set_pixel(2, 5, midGreen)
 @green_leaf_bitmaps[7].fill_rect(3, 5, 2, 1, lightGreen)
 @green_leaf_bitmaps[7].set_pixel(2, 6, midGreen)
 @green_leaf_bitmaps[7].set_pixel(3, 6, lightGreen)
 # 9th leaf bitmap
 @green_leaf_bitmaps[8] =,    8)   
 @green_leaf_bitmaps[8].fill_rect(6, 1, 1, 2, midGreen)
 @green_leaf_bitmaps[8].fill_rect(4, 2, 2, 1, midGreen)
 @green_leaf_bitmaps[8].fill_rect(6, 2, 1, 2, darkGreen)
 @green_leaf_bitmaps[8].fill_rect(3, 3, 2, 1, midGreen)
 @green_leaf_bitmaps[8].set_pixel(5, 3, khaki)
 @green_leaf_bitmaps[8].set_pixel(2, 4, midGreen)
 @green_leaf_bitmaps[8].set_pixel(3, 4, khaki)
 @green_leaf_bitmaps[8].set_pixel(4, 4, lightGreen)
 @green_leaf_bitmaps[8].set_pixel(5, 4, midGreen)
 @green_leaf_bitmaps[8].set_pixel(1, 5, midGreen)
 @green_leaf_bitmaps[8].set_pixel(2, 5, khaki)
 @green_leaf_bitmaps[8].fill_rect(3, 5, 2, 1, midGreen)
 @green_leaf_bitmaps[8].set_pixel(1, 6, darkGreen)
 @green_leaf_bitmaps[8].set_pixel(2, 6, midGreen)
 # 10th leaf bitmap
 @green_leaf_bitmaps[9] =,    8)   
 @green_leaf_bitmaps[9].fill_rect(6, 2, 2, 1, midGreen)
 @green_leaf_bitmaps[9].fill_rect(4, 3, 2, 1, midGreen)
 @green_leaf_bitmaps[9].set_pixel(6, 3, khaki)
 @green_leaf_bitmaps[9].set_pixel(3, 4, midGreen)
 @green_leaf_bitmaps[9].set_pixel(4, 4, khaki)
 @green_leaf_bitmaps[9].set_pixel(5, 4, lightGreen)
 @green_leaf_bitmaps[9].set_pixel(6, 4, mint)
 @green_leaf_bitmaps[9].set_pixel(1, 5, midGreen)
 @green_leaf_bitmaps[9].set_pixel(2, 5, khaki)
 @green_leaf_bitmaps[9].fill_rect(3, 5, 2, 1, mint)
 @green_leaf_bitmaps[9].set_pixel(5, 5, lightGreen)
 @green_leaf_bitmaps[9].set_pixel(2, 6, midGreen)
 @green_leaf_bitmaps[9].set_pixel(3, 6, khaki)
 @green_leaf_bitmaps[9].set_pixel(4, 6, lightGreen)
 # 11th leaf bitmap
 @green_leaf_bitmaps[10] =,    8)   
 @green_leaf_bitmaps[10].set_pixel(6, 2, midGreen)
 @green_leaf_bitmaps[10].set_pixel(7, 2, darkGreen)
 @green_leaf_bitmaps[10].fill_rect(4, 3, 2, 1, midGreen)
 @green_leaf_bitmaps[10].set_pixel(6, 3, khaki)
 @green_leaf_bitmaps[10].set_pixel(2, 4, darkGreen)
 @green_leaf_bitmaps[10].fill_rect(3, 4, 2, 1, khaki)
 @green_leaf_bitmaps[10].set_pixel(5, 4, lightGreen)
 @green_leaf_bitmaps[10].set_pixel(6, 4, khaki)
 @green_leaf_bitmaps[10].set_pixel(1, 5, midGreen)
 @green_leaf_bitmaps[10].set_pixel(2, 5, khaki)
 @green_leaf_bitmaps[10].set_pixel(3, 5, lightGreen)
 @green_leaf_bitmaps[10].set_pixel(4, 5, mint)
 @green_leaf_bitmaps[10].set_pixel(5, 5, midGreen)
 @green_leaf_bitmaps[10].set_pixel(2, 6, darkGreen)
 @green_leaf_bitmaps[10].fill_rect(3, 6, 2, 1, midGreen)
 # 12th leaf bitmap
 @green_leaf_bitmaps[11] =,    8)   
 @green_leaf_bitmaps[11].fill_rect(0, 3, 1, 2, darkGreen)
 @green_leaf_bitmaps[11].set_pixel(1, 4, midGreen)
 @green_leaf_bitmaps[11].set_pixel(2, 4, khaki)
 @green_leaf_bitmaps[11].set_pixel(3, 4, lightGreen)
 @green_leaf_bitmaps[11].set_pixel(4, 4, darkGreen)
 @green_leaf_bitmaps[11].set_pixel(7, 4, midGreen)
 @green_leaf_bitmaps[11].set_pixel(1, 5, darkGreen)
 @green_leaf_bitmaps[11].set_pixel(2, 5, midGreen)
 @green_leaf_bitmaps[11].set_pixel(3, 5, lightGreen)
 @green_leaf_bitmaps[11].set_pixel(4, 5, mint)
 @green_leaf_bitmaps[11].set_pixel(5, 5, lightGreen)
 @green_leaf_bitmaps[11].set_pixel(6, 5, khaki)
 @green_leaf_bitmaps[11].set_pixel(7, 5, midGreen)
 @green_leaf_bitmaps[11].fill_rect(2, 6, 2, 1, midGreen)
 @green_leaf_bitmaps[11].set_pixel(4, 6, lightGreen)
 @green_leaf_bitmaps[11].set_pixel(5, 6, khaki)
 @green_leaf_bitmaps[11].set_pixel(6, 6, midGreen)
 # 13th leaf bitmap
 @green_leaf_bitmaps[12] =,    8)   
 @green_leaf_bitmaps[12].set_pixel(1, 1, darkGreen)
 @green_leaf_bitmaps[12].fill_rect(1, 2, 2, 1, midGreen)
 @green_leaf_bitmaps[12].set_pixel(2, 3, midGreen)
 @green_leaf_bitmaps[12].set_pixel(3, 3, darkGreen)
 @green_leaf_bitmaps[12].set_pixel(4, 3, midGreen)
 @green_leaf_bitmaps[12].fill_rect(2, 4, 2, 1, midGreen)
 @green_leaf_bitmaps[12].set_pixel(4, 4, darkGreen)
 @green_leaf_bitmaps[12].set_pixel(5, 4, lightGreen)
 @green_leaf_bitmaps[12].set_pixel(3, 5, midGreen)
 @green_leaf_bitmaps[12].set_pixel(4, 5, darkGreen)
 @green_leaf_bitmaps[12].fill_rect(5, 5, 2, 1, khaki)
 @green_leaf_bitmaps[12].fill_rect(4, 6, 2, 1, midGreen)
 @green_leaf_bitmaps[12].set_pixel(6, 6, lightGreen)
 @green_leaf_bitmaps[12].set_pixel(6, 7, khaki)
 @rose_bitmaps = []
 brightRed =, 0, 0, 255)
 midRed =, 17, 17, 255)
 darkRed =, 9, 9, 255)
 # 1st rose petal bitmap
 @rose_bitmaps[0] =, 3)
 @rose_bitmaps[0].fill_rect(1, 0, 2, 1, brightRed)
 @rose_bitmaps[0].fill_rect(0, 1, 1, 2, brightRed)
 @rose_bitmaps[0].fill_rect(1, 1, 2, 2, midRed)
 @rose_bitmaps[0].set_pixel(2, 2, darkRed)
 # 2nd rose petal bitmap
 @rose_bitmaps[1] =, 3)
 @rose_bitmaps[1].set_pixel(0, 1, midRed)
 @rose_bitmaps[1].set_pixel(1, 1, brightRed)
 @rose_bitmaps[1].fill_rect(1, 2, 1, 2, midRed)
 @feather_bitmaps = []
 white =, 255, 255, 255)
 # 1st feather bitmap
 @feather_bitmaps[0] =, 3)
 @feather_bitmaps[0].set_pixel(0, 2, white)
 @feather_bitmaps[0].set_pixel(1, 2, grey)
 @feather_bitmaps[0].set_pixel(2, 1, grey)
 # 2nd feather bitmap
 @feather_bitmaps[0] =, 3)
 @feather_bitmaps[0].set_pixel(0, 0, white)
 @feather_bitmaps[0].set_pixel(0, 1, grey)
 @feather_bitmaps[0].set_pixel(1, 2, grey)
 # 3rd feather bitmap
 @feather_bitmaps[0] =, 3)
 @feather_bitmaps[0].set_pixel(2, 0, white)
 @feather_bitmaps[0].set_pixel(1, 0, grey)
 @feather_bitmaps[0].set_pixel(0, 1, grey)
 # 4th feather bitmap
 @feather_bitmaps[0] =, 3)
 @feather_bitmaps[0].set_pixel(2, 2, white)
 @feather_bitmaps[0].set_pixel(2, 1, grey)
 @feather_bitmaps[0].set_pixel(1, 0, grey)
 @blood_rain_bitmap =, 56)
 for i in 0..6
 @blood_rain_bitmap.fill_rect(6-i, i*8, 1, 8, darkRed)
 @sparkle_bitmaps = []
 lightBlue =, 244, 255, 255)
 midBlue =, 197, 235, 255)
 darkBlue =, 136, 225, 255)
 # 1st sparkle bitmap
 @sparkle_bitmaps[0] =, 7)
 @sparkle_bitmaps[0].set_pixel(3, 3, darkBlue)
 # 2nd sparkle bitmap
 @sparkle_bitmaps[1] =, 7)
 @sparkle_bitmaps[1].fill_rect(3, 2, 1, 3, darkBlue)
 @sparkle_bitmaps[1].fill_rect(2, 3, 3, 1, darkBlue)
 @sparkle_bitmaps[1].set_pixel(3, 3, midBlue)
 # 3rd sparkle bitmap
 @sparkle_bitmaps[2] =, 7)
 @sparkle_bitmaps[2].set_pixel(1, 1, darkBlue)
 @sparkle_bitmaps[2].set_pixel(5, 1, darkBlue)
 @sparkle_bitmaps[2].set_pixel(2, 2, midBlue)
 @sparkle_bitmaps[2].set_pixel(4, 2, midBlue)
 @sparkle_bitmaps[2].set_pixel(3, 3, lightBlue)
 @sparkle_bitmaps[2].set_pixel(2, 4, midBlue)
 @sparkle_bitmaps[2].set_pixel(4, 4, midBlue)
 @sparkle_bitmaps[2].set_pixel(1, 5, darkBlue)
 @sparkle_bitmaps[2].set_pixel(5, 5, darkBlue)
 # 4th sparkle bitmap
 @sparkle_bitmaps[3] =, 7)
 @sparkle_bitmaps[3].fill_rect(3, 1, 1, 5, darkBlue)
 @sparkle_bitmaps[3].fill_rect(1, 3, 5, 1, darkBlue)
 @sparkle_bitmaps[3].fill_rect(3, 2, 1, 3, midBlue)
 @sparkle_bitmaps[3].fill_rect(2, 3, 3, 1, midBlue)
 @sparkle_bitmaps[3].set_pixel(3, 3, lightBlue)
 # 5th sparkle bitmap
 @sparkle_bitmaps[4] =, 7)
 @sparkle_bitmaps[4].fill_rect(2, 2, 3, 3, midBlue)
 @sparkle_bitmaps[4].fill_rect(3, 2, 1, 3, darkBlue)
 @sparkle_bitmaps[4].fill_rect(2, 3, 3, 1, darkBlue)
 @sparkle_bitmaps[4].set_pixel(3, 3, lightBlue)
 @sparkle_bitmaps[4].set_pixel(1, 1, darkBlue)
 @sparkle_bitmaps[4].set_pixel(5, 1, darkBlue)
 @sparkle_bitmaps[4].set_pixel(1, 5, darkBlue)
 @sparkle_bitmaps[4].set_pixel(5, 1, darkBlue)
 # 6th sparkle bitmap
 @sparkle_bitmaps[5] =, 7)
 @sparkle_bitmaps[5].fill_rect(2, 1, 3, 5, darkBlue)
 @sparkle_bitmaps[5].fill_rect(1, 2, 5, 3, darkBlue)
 @sparkle_bitmaps[5].fill_rect(2, 2, 3, 3, midBlue)
 @sparkle_bitmaps[5].fill_rect(3, 1, 1, 5, midBlue)
 @sparkle_bitmaps[5].fill_rect(1, 3, 5, 1, midBlue)
 @sparkle_bitmaps[5].fill_rect(3, 2, 1, 3, lightBlue)
 @sparkle_bitmaps[5].fill_rect(2, 3, 3, 1, lightBlue)
 @sparkle_bitmaps[5].set_pixel(3, 3, white)
 # 7th sparkle bitmap
 @sparkle_bitmaps[6] =, 7)
 @sparkle_bitmaps[6].fill_rect(2, 1, 3, 5, midBlue)
 @sparkle_bitmaps[6].fill_rect(1, 2, 5, 3, midBlue)
 @sparkle_bitmaps[6].fill_rect(3, 0, 1, 7, darkBlue)
 @sparkle_bitmaps[6].fill_rect(0, 3, 7, 1, darkBlue)
 @sparkle_bitmaps[6].fill_rect(2, 2, 3, 3, lightBlue)
 @sparkle_bitmaps[6].fill_rect(3, 2, 1, 3, midBlue)
 @sparkle_bitmaps[6].fill_rect(2, 3, 3, 1, midBlue)
 @sparkle_bitmaps[6].set_pixel(3, 3, white)
 @user_bitmaps = []
 def update_user_defined
 for image in @user_bitmaps
 #user-defined bitmaps
 for name in $WEATHER_IMAGES
 for sprite in @sprites
 sprite.bitmap = @user_bitmaps[rand(@user_bitmaps.size)]
 attr_reader :type
 attr_reader :max
 attr_reader :ox
 attr_reader :oy

Dans un event insérer la commande "insérer un script". Puis tapez cette commande:
$, b, 0)Rameric après manger représente l'effet choisit:
1. Pluie
2. Tempête
3. Neige
4. Grêle
5. Pluie avec éclairs
6. Feuilles tombantes
7. Feuilles se déplaçant horizontalement
8. Feuilles tourbillonantes
9. Feuilles vertes tombantes
10. Pétales de cerisier
11. Pétales de rose
12. Plumes tombantes
13. Pluie de sang
14. Etoiles tombante

Créateur : je sait pas
Trouvé : RPG Maker Online

Posté par Suicune31 le 17 Sep - 12:29 (2008)
Il me semble que Krosk en avait crée un autrefois xD .

Euh merci pour le script Bouche extensiblek:

. et je crois qu'on peut crée notre propre effet meteo a la place du numero 15 Petit saligaud mal élevé

Posté par Solfay1 le 17 Sep - 13:27 (2008)
tu est arriver a le faire marcher ?
je n'y arrive pas !

Posté par Aten974 le 17 Sep - 13:37 (2008)
Ce script ce trouve là


PS : Tu postes un script sans l'avoir tester ?

Posté par Solfay1 le 19 Sep - 17:02 (2008)
$, b, 0)
Voila j'ai trouvé comment faire
a= la météo
b et 0 = la puissance de la météo cet a dire : si on met 1 , 1 , 1 sa fait de la pluie faible mais sinon on fait 1 , 300 , 300 pluie très forte !
Alors profiter en !

Posté par Suicune31 le 20 Sep - 14:16 (2008)
Non je savais pas xD. mais maintenan je sais  :mdr: (grace a toi) . enfin j'ai pas essayer  . . . Lordork chez mémé

Posté par alpha39 le 1 Nov - 16:11 (2008)
Merci Gobu38 pour ce script

PS et HS : On dirait plus des pétales que du sang dans le truck 13 XD

EDIT : Ha non c'est moi qui, sans faire gaffe, j'ai supprimé des lignes du script -_-"

Posté par Peach =D le 1 Nov - 16:23 (2008)
bande de tricheur !!!!!

Posté par Dakin Quelia le 1 Nov - 16:27 (2008)
Remarque un peu inutile (pour la mention "bande de tricheurs) car ils n'ont jamais prétendu qu'ils avaient fait le script. Clin d'œil foireux

Mais je reconnais qu'il faut citer la source. Clin d'œil foireux

Posté par Keke41 le 2 Nov - 14:51 (2008)
pas mal le script en tout cas merci(même si j'en aurais pas besoin mais bon peut etre que les autre en auront besoin)

Posté par Dakin Quelia le 2 Nov - 15:00 (2008)
mario99 a écrit:
d'accord gobou le tricheur ! voili voilou !

Ce type de comportement n'a pas lieu d'être sur un forum. C'est immatûre.

Pichu : Je suis passé là et j'ai vu le flood de Mario99 avec "Ouai" "ReOuaih" donc j'ai supprimé, logique, car le topic de Gobu ressemblé presque a du flood. Jordan : Ne tombe pas la prochaine fois dans la chaine, on risquerait de te rerepondre "Ouai" Clin d'œil foireux

Posté par Keke41 le 2 Nov - 15:27 (2008)
la je suis tout a fait d(accord avec toi darkin mais ce n'est pas notre travail de leur passer un savon c'est au modo

Posté par Peach =D le 2 Nov - 18:42 (2008)
on se détourne du sujet ... désoler encore une fois ! il est utile pour les graphisme de base ...

Posté par Keke41 le 2 Nov - 19:06 (2008)
bon alors le sujet reprend

Posté par thory le 18 Juin - 19:13 (2009)
Bonjour, je me demandait, est-ce qu il y aurait moyen de faire en sorte que,avec le script  jour et nuit,que un jour, il neige sur une route et le lendemain il pleut, si oui vous pourriez me dire comment on fait?
Et aussi, chez moi il y a un bug,j avais mis la pluit mais lorsque je rentre dans une maison, il pleut dedans?
Merci!!! :D :D :D

Posté par Sphinx le 18 Juin - 23:47 (2009)
en gérant correctement des évents, c'est facilement faisable...

Posté par Astheroth le 19 Juin - 10:43 (2009)
Il te suffit "juste" de jouer avec la variable jour. Avec des conditions du style:
Si VAR XX = 1
Effet Meteo Y

Si VAR XX = 2

Bref tout dépend de ce que tu utilises comme système de temps? (si tu en utilises un lol)
Regarde alors le numéro de variable des jour dans le script, et tu fais un event en processus parallèle avec les conditions sur ta map.
Si ton système de temps n'intègre pas les jour... je te conseil d'en faire un par event commun! Ou de prendre un des systèmes de temps présentés sur ce forum. (réel ou fictif... aucune importance pour ton problème)

Tu peux paramétrer des météo différentes pour certaines heures ou certains mois facilement. Bouche extensiblek:

Posté par thory le 19 Juin - 13:22 (2009)
OK merci!!!

Posté par spirow le 30 Sep - 13:52 (2010)
Que dois t-on mettre dans un maison pour arrêter l'effet météo svp ?

Posté par Brendan75 le 30 Sep - 15:34 (2010)
Essaie l'une de ces lignes :
$, 0, 0)
$, 0, 0)
Si l'une marche, pense à nous le dire, je pense que ça servira à d'autres.

Posté par Warp' le 23 Oct - 02:58 (2010)
Désolé de remonter ce topic, mais y a-t-il un moyen que la météo apparaisse dans les combats avec ce script?

Posté par EtoiledeCristal le 23 Oct - 09:15 (2010)
Warp nan je crois pas quand à Bredan chez moi la ligne $, 0, 0) marche parfaitement et permet d'arreter la meteo dans les endroits ou je ne veux pas la mettre.

Posté par Brendan75 le 24 Oct - 18:53 (2010)
Warp' a écrit:
Désolé de remonter ce topic, mais y a-t-il un moyen que la météo apparaisse dans les combats avec ce script?

Je crains que non, dans RMXp normal, la météo n'intervient pas en combat je crois donc ce script qui est générique respecte ce principe. Pour faire une météo en combat, il faudra le modifier.